Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tag I'm It

Since I am busy prepping for a catering gig for this weekend, my post will be random as heck until I can get on the good foot!

This Tag has been floating across blogs I read so I decided to share a bit. Thanks BeautifullyComplex for the tag!

The rules: list 7 Random Things about Yourself and answer some questions. 

7 Random Things about Me

I LOVE a good party. Hanging out with me gaurantees a good time. Whether we are in a club, at the movies or sipping drinks in the family room

With that being said, I am SUPER shy. Seriously

I have a 23 year old daughter who lives in Ohio...she can't wait to finish school so she can get back to the warmth of her mother Houston.

I LOVE music. I can go days, weeks without Not so much. And NOTHING is better than a live band.

I don't wear colored polish because I cook so much. When I am cooking for other people I don't even wear clear.

Clean makes me soooooo happy...Organization feeds my OCD tendecies

I have had about five surgeries in my lifetime but never any broken bones.

 Favorite Color: Black

Favorite Song: If I had to choose only one probably Adore by Prince...but there are too many to choose from!

Favorite Dessert : Lemon Tart

Biggest Pet Peeve: A$$hole drivers!

When you are upset, you: Depending on what has me upset, I will either go quiet and stoic or weep to control my anger. 

Your favorite pet: My great grandmother had these mutts called Runt and Stunt when I was growing up. I LOVED those dogs.

Black or White: Black. It represents power and control to me

Biggest Fear: Failure. Not being loved.

Best Feature: I LOVE my legs, oh and my lips!

Everyday Attitude: Thank God for another day to get it right!
 What is perfection: Peace.

Guilty Pleasures: Just a few...The Housewives of Pick a City, KFC Original Recipe with a jalapeno, Chick Flicks

1 comment:

ShaBoogiesince1982 said...

I love a good chick flick..accompanied by a bottle of wine, of course!

I can't wear colored polish because I'm that chic that will walk around for days with chipped polish *hangs head in shame*