Sunday, July 11, 2010

No Official Recipe...

Sometimes I'm just not going to have a recipe. 

Some things I prepare I've been preparing for years.  I know how I want it to taste, I know how it should look, I know how it should smell and I just know what to put in it to achieve the goodness.  I don't measure or use a recipe I just cook it or bake it.  I can provide basics but an exact recipe? Not so much.  That's how the women in my family cook.  In most cases that is how I was taught to cook.  One of my friends calls it free hand cooking.

My peach cobbler recipe is one of those things.  The ingredient list is so very simple: your favorite pie crust recipe, fresh or frozen peaches, cinnamon, sugar, fresh lemon juice, cornstarch, butter.

That's it.  Bake at 375 degrees for 40 minutes or until crust browns

That's it.

Cook. Eat. Repeat.


MrsSaditty said...

The fact that you posted such detailed pictures in a sin before God! I can almost smell and taste this! Awesome post, food porn at it's best!

Ginae said...

Good Lord, I can just taste this pie. These pictures are fantastic as well!

Tarsha! said...

MrsSaditty...I do like to turn the people on! LOL

Ginae - I am really learning the camera and it makes a difference in the photos! Thanks for the conpliment!

Beautifully Complex said...

My favorite dessert of all time ! This looks yummy !