Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Nothing Like It

A couple of weeks ago in passing, I mentioned to E how I would love a raised garden. I told him I would plant us some spinach and herbs and try my hand at peppers and maybe onions.  See this is all funny, and he had a good ole laugh because I can't grow ish.  Playa my hands are plant killers ya heard!  I have laid aloe vera and cacti to rest! LOLOL

Didn't matter.  He and my Babe think I can do anything. So Saturday, he is talking about this surprise. I'm not even much checking for him because I am preparing for one of my favorite people to come to town; preparing for a bad ass girls night in.  I'm cooking, cleaning, making sure everything is just so. Later for a surprise I have TONS of stuff to do before I pick Pam! LOL

So evening comes and he is the lone man amongst a bevy of loud, drinking, eating, laughing, singing women.  We were cutting up good!  He pulls me aside and walks me outside to the back of his truck.

"Babe and I are gonna paint this for you tomorrow."

"What is it" (It's good and dark outside)

Soooo very nonchalantly, "The raised garden you mention a few weeks ago"


"I figure, if your friends don't mind, they can sign their names or place encouraging words on the garden before they leave"

I am literally I kissed and hugged him.

I mean this was just a great ending to a fabulous evening! There is NOTHING like having people who believe in you even when you doubt yourself, your skills, your dreams. 

I love the people I have chosen to surround me and I pray I am as supportive of their dreams as they are of mine!  Having a support system is soooo gangsta! I love my family and friends and framily.  They go so hard in the paint! If you haven't surrounded yourself with people who love and support you I suggest you change that expeditiously!!! Seriously, there is nothing like it!



chele said...

That is just too sweet.

Tamar said...

Love is beautiful and delicious! <3

Beautifully Complex said...

Awww, what a thoughtful and considerate gesture I love it ! May you plant and grow like the love you give to others :)

Tarsha R said...

Thank you guys!

Tamar, thank you for visiting...don't be a stranger!

Sanura said...

Wow! That's beautiful. It warms my heart!