Friday, May 6, 2011

The Friday Five - Mother's Day Edition

I love me some L Beezy (that's her rap name). Reverend Dr Linda L Bruce, my momma is a real G! Knowing how she used to be and seeing the awesome person she is now is MIND BLOWING...she got some stories for that arse! And her testimony??? Chile please.

My mother was not my friend growing up.  She was my mother, the end.  I hated it when I was younger but I appreciate it GREATLY now that I am raising and have raised children of my own.  Linda Bruce did not play. I had a sound healthy fear of her. She is a shorty but even now in all of my growness, I wouldn't cross her...LOL (but I'm serious).

Five things I love about my L Beezy (trust there are many reasons):

  1. Her resilience.  She was the child that was not suppose to make it; the wild child.  She dropped out of school but went on to get her PhD and is currently a chaplain for the Veteran's Administration System. The stories of our struggles growing up, being poor (because we were) and how she went on to be the first of her siblings to own a house, first to receive a Masters and PhD, is just AMAZING!
  2. She is the grandmother you want your kids to have.  Those kids are CA-RAZY about some L Beans (that is her other rap name). She is the granny that's taking them fishing, letting the girls play in her hair and makeup, letting them mess up her kitchen and letting them have all the treats they want before dinner.
  3. She's still imperfect. She is imperfect and she KNOWS it. She does not sit atop a throne of judgment and condemn....don't get it twisted though, she has no filter. She will tell you how it is, what the Word says about it and then pray with you or over you LOLOLOL
  4. She is still a praying mother.  While all of her children are grown and living their respective lives, she is always in constant prayer with us and for us.  I think she really does have Jesus on the main line! LOLOL
  5. She is my friend.  I can say that now. I can call my mom any time (though she would argue I don't call her enough) to just chat, we easily joke now and she is as cool as a white box fan!

Happy Mother's Day Momma! We love us some you!


Sha Boogie said...

That is such a beautiful post! I want to be my son's mom. period! All this friend stuff, no ma'am!

Anonymous said...

Great story on Linda. She is a very special person.